"Author Visits that Engage Students and Build Community." 2023 NJASL Conference. December 2023.
“Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Computer Science, Robotics and Elementary Education.” 36th Annual NJECC Conference. March 2022.
"Uncommon Promotion: My Journey to Local Access TV." 2022 NJASL Conference. December 2022.
"Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Computer Science, Robotics and Elementary Education." 2021 NJASL Conference. December 2021.
"History Is Told By the Victor: Books To Change The Narrative." 2021 NJASL Spring Virtual Conference. March 2021.
“Visual Thinking Strategies in the Library.” 35th Annual NJECC Conference. Online. March 2021
"Design Thinking in the Library." 2020 NJASL Conference, December 2020.
"Design Thinking in the Library." 34th Annual NJECC Conference, January 2020.
"Be an Influencer - Making Social Media Work For You." 2019 NJASL Conference, December 2019.
"Library Can Feel Like Summer Camp." 33rd Annual NJECC Conference, January 2019.
"Step Away From the Noise - How Libraries Foster Freedom." 2018 NJASL Conference, December 2018.
“The Power of Positive Teaching.” 32nd Annual NJECC Conference, January 2018.
"The Power of a Positive Librarian." 2017 NJASL Conference, November 2017.
“Fan Fiction for the 3D Learner.” 31st Annual NJECC Conference, January 2017.
"Modern Library Experience." 2017 IgniteSTEM Conference, December 2016.
"Comic Creations for All." 2016 NJASL Conference, November 2016.
“Storytelling Reimagined.” 30th Annual NJECC Conference, January 2016.
"Modern Storytelling." 2015 NJASL Conference. Long Branch, NJ, November 2015.
“Lego Stop Motion Storytelling in 3D.” 2015 International Society for Technology in Education Conference, June 2015.
“Teaching Kids to Code.” 29th Annual NJ Educational Computing Cooperative Conference, January 2015.
"Computer Coding Builds Community Connection." 2014 NJASL Conference, October 2014.
“Coding for Kids.” 2014 TeachMeet NJ Unconference, August 2014.
“Games in the School Library: Perspectives and Practical Applications.” 2012 New Jersey Association of School Librarians Annual Conference, November 2012.
"Books Unbound in 3D Storytelling: Media, UDL, and 21st Century Literacies.” 2011 New Jersey Association of School Librarians Annual Conference, December 2011.